
  • Create an exam. On a right of the file with a question, click on a red button — “Complete the exam”. Once done don’t forget to leave your ratings
  • Click on a red plus “Create a question” in “Select type”, select “Standard exam”, select quantity of the days.
  • We recommend uploading a video file not longer than 15 seconds. This is firstly due to all videos playing on the loop and secondly due to the maximum allowed file size not exceeding 56 MB.
  • During the registration you will be asked to indicate your university, college where you are currently studying, or used to study or work. Alternatively this can be an educational institution which resonates with you. All of your earned bonuses will be granted to your nominated educational body.
  • Bonuses earned by yourself will be factored into both - your university's as well as your own ratings. Highlight individuality of your educational institution at an international competition!
  • Please contact us via commcre.com@gmail.com and we will be sure to help you
  • Please check your spam inbox and try registering yourself again, otherwise do connect with us via commcre.com@gmail.com and we will resolve this for you
  • Please select an express exam, invite your friends and take part
  • If you are an author of the question a special button will appear inside the question which will enable you to complete the exam ahead of the deadline
  • Hover over a space marked as a profile photo and click edit
  • You can rate a question or an answer by giving it up to 5 points. To do this click on a ''like'' icon and select preferred coin quantity
  • Yes it is possible, click on the title saying ''Question'' or an ''Answer'' to hide the settings. In order to make settings visible again, click on the arrow
  • Go to the user's or educational institution's profile and click subscribe
  • Create a question
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